Truth and Falsity A documentation of false information  

False information published by the Las Vegas Sun, Part 1

Associated Press item falsely identifies the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives as "Majority Leader"

| By Greg Fisher

An item published and maintained by the Associated Press falsely states, "House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi recently named Cheney and seven Democrats to a committee to investigate the riot."

That is just bad journalism. Pelosi has never been Majority Leader; she is Speaker of the House.

The byline and dateline of the false story is "By MEAD GRUVER," "July 20, 2021" and "CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP)." The editor is Julie Pace.

Another Associated Press article is even worse. It identifies Pelosi not only as Majority Leader, but also puts her incorrectly in the Senate rather than the House of Representatives. That article was written by Eric Tucker, "WASHINGTON (AP)."

In that item related to the death of Madeleine Albright, Tucker wrote the gibberish, "The top Democrats in Congress, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, hailed the historic nature of Albright's leadership."

Further, the reporter seems more concerned that readers might think that the speaker is in some other house of the legislature. However, there are only two, and the other one has no position whose title is Speaker.

Tucker's editor, if any, is not identified. However, the editor (CEO and publisher) of the Las Vegas Sun, one place the false information appeared, is Brian Greenspun.

To his credit, Greenspun published an actual email address to contact him.

The Associated Press refers to something it calls metadata.

Regarding a 2018 article, the AP issued this correction: "In a story Oct. 19 about U.S. House races along the Southern border, The Associated Press erroneously referred to Nancy Pelosi as U.S. House majority leader. She is the minority leader."

The title is "Correction: Election 2018-House-Border story."

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